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NI VISA Linux Hell

I am in Linux Hell.

Someone updated some patches on all the Linux PC's and now as soon as I run

a vi Labview Crashes (Disappears). I tried a simple program and it works fine (it does not use Visa). I have narrowed it down to NIVISA.

If I open a Blank VI and add controls and Indicators everything is ok. As soon as I drag a VISA control onto front panel Labview crashes.


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What linux distribution are you using? Also what versions of LabVIEW and VISA are you using? Have you tried reinstalling NI-VISA? I would suggest reinstalling as it is possible you have a corrupt installation. I also found a forum post here where someone had a similar issue, and I thought it might be useful. Hope this helps. Goodluck!

Ebele O.
National Instruments
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