03-15-2023 10:31 AM
I am trying to interface rbd 9103 picoameter to labview and installed the FTDI driver and correct the port settings but when I initialize the device and try to run the code, I receive a timeout error. I am not sure what I can do, any help is appreciated. This is the error I am receiving:
03-15-2023 10:43 AM
So many possibilities here...
1. Are you sure you are trying to talk over the correct port?
2. Are you sure you are sending the correct command?
3. Do you need to append the termination character to the command?
These are the most common issues I run into. To give more advice, we need to see code and a manual for the device.
03-15-2023 10:46 AM
You didn't attach any code. You can copy & paste snippets or attach your VI.
First, you should place an indicator on the error output of the VI causing the error, so the error would not cause this pop-up.
Second, the timeout has a reason. You need to focus on the VI that causes the error.
My best guess: you try to send something to your device in the wrong format or you try to read something and it doesn't answer, most likely because it didn't understand the request.