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NI no longer supplies DVDs for their software

I searched the forums but didn't find this topic.  If it's already there, don't complain, I tried.


I don't know if anyone here knows...NI no longer supplies DVDs or USB drives for their software (at least for those of us on SSP(s)) to "reduce their environmental impact".  The only way to get their new software (at least the suites) is via a web installer, as if all computers are connected to the internet when in-fact they are not.


Where I work, USB is not allowed, running a web-installer is not allowed on any networked computer including virtual machines, and connecting standalone non-networked computers for a web-installer is not allowed.  Basically, NI has locked us out from all their new software (at least the suites), which will force us to move to different hardware and software, none of which will be NI.  Too bad we just paid a ton of cash for our new SSP.


If this new practice is a problem for you or bothers you, please contact your NI rep!




Todd Smiley Mad

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Message 1 of 11
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Message 2 of 11

I received a USB drive for LabVIEW 2017. Why does your IT think DVDs are safer than USB drives?


A lot of new computers, especially laptops, don't even have disk drives anymore. Have you talked to your IT and asked them to work with you to install the tools you need?

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Message 3 of 11
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Message 4 of 11

I'm pretty sure they just don't supply them by default, but you can still get them.


Also, I can't be sure as I haven't tried, but even though you can't download and install the entire suite at once can't you still download and install all the individual components of it separately as "normal" downloads?  I.E. downloads that you can move to a non-networked computer via a DVD burner or swappable hard drive or the like.

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Message 5 of 11

In the past, the downloads also listed iso files where you would just use a flammable DVD and burn it yourself. Could not find them, but they might still be there.

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Message 6 of 11

DVDs are far safer than USBs for various reasons.  But, it doesn't matter since they were banned form use here about 10 years ago.

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Message 8 of 11

Thanks for the link!  NI has been silent so far on this complaint.


Now, I need to find the Embedded and NI Software Suite ISOs.


But still, we paid for DVDs (a few months ago) specifically stated DVDs on the quote, and now they changed their policy.  If they do provide DVDs but will not in the future, we will still move away from NI...a solution that works today but not tomorrow isn't good for us...we need to look to the future 5, 10, 15 years.


See the attached snippet form the email from NI

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Message 9 of 11

Thanks...I tried. NI search on forums is usually pretty good (unlike the rest of their search) so I chalk it up to not using the right key words.

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Message 10 of 11