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NI1752 smart camera with LabView

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    I am doing a project in which I have to get image from NI 1752 smart camera and save it to the system from Vision Builder via Labview.  I am acquiring the image in Vision Builder and sending it to a LabView vi.  When I try to create a vi in labview ( under the added smart camera remote target), when I right click to get the control vi, I see an empty list.  Even when I try to use shared variables in Vision builder, no images are getting shared.  I am using Vision Builder 2014 (same installed on camera too) and have Labview 2014 and 2015 installed.  Can someone give me a list of softwares that must be installed on the smart camera?


P.S: NI-MAX detects the camera and I am able to grab frames there.

Thanks in advance..

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Message 1 of 7

If you want to use the smart camera in LabVIEW you will have to have LabVIEW, Real Time Module, Vision Development Module, and Vision Acquisition Software installed on your computer (I would install in that order). One thing I would try is to add a generic smart camera to your project and see if you get the same behavior. You can do this by selecting the radio button for New target or device when you are trying to add a target to your project.


If you see the palettes when using that target I would go to NI MAX and reformat and reinstall software to your target, otherwise I would repair your software installation. If neither of those work for you, can you tell us what versions of the above software you have installed?

Matt J | National Instruments | CLA
Message 2 of 7


    Thanks for your reply.  I didnt have Real-Time Module installed.  Now I can see the palette.  I made a vi to get the image from VBAI and display it in a window.  But when I run the the inspection, nothing is happening.  I have attached the vi for reference.  Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?



Gibin Joe

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

What exactly are trying to do? VBAI can display images and do overlays if that is all you want to do.

Matt J | National Instruments | CLA
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7


    I am planning to test out some image processing algorithms on the images from the smart camera.  So I created a dll file (of the algorithm implemented in C++)  which is used in the vi.  The dll file requires the image from the VBAI as the input.  I am having trouble getting this image from VBAI to labview.


Gibin Joe

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7
Accepted by topic author phoenix_777



I would recommend you take a look at the VBAI API example. The API allows you to automate VBAI running on the Smart Camera from LabVIEW. By using the API, you do not need to add the Smart Camera as a LabVIEW RT target to the LabVIEW project. The API allows you to open an inspection, run it, and retrieve images and step results. You can find examples here:

C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\Vision Builder AI 2015\Examples\API Examples

We offer the API for C and LabVIEW.


If instead of doing processing on the host machine, you want to implement your algorithm in a shared library that can be run directly on the Smart Camera, this link can be useful:

Once you create the shared library for VxWorks, you can call it directly from Vision Builder AI running on the target by creating a VI that calls your shared library, and call that VI from within Vision Builder AI using the Run LabVIEW step.

That's more work and may be more difficult to debug, but this would provide a more integrated solution that does not require a PC to work (i.e. the whole vision inspection can run on the Smart Camera).


A simpler way would be to implement your vision algorithm in LabVIEW and Vision Development Module (instead of C), and you could run it directly on the Smart Camera using the Run LabVIEW step. The Run LabVIEW step is a powerful way to add additional functionality to Vision Builder.


Hope this helps.




Message 6 of 7

Edit: Replied to wrong post Whoops Smiley Embarassed

Matt J | National Instruments | CLA
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 7