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I don't know why when i press my buttons , my graph won't stay . And at the start of the program my wave chart is missing . 

Attached is my work . need help ... 

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Message 1 of 29

You use Default connectors outputs from your event structure. Default of boolean is False, thus every timeout you'll get a Visible False on your graphs.


Also, it's better to place your control terminals inside their events.



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Qestit Systems
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Message 2 of 29

What exactly are you trying to achieve? All 4 of your graphs show exactly the same data.


Are you just trying to change the colour of the plot on a single graph? If so, there are much easier ways to do this (no need for separate graphs) 




p.s. property nodes execute from the top downwards, so the active plot needs to be selected before you change it's colour. 

"If anyone needs me, I'll be in the Angry Dome!"

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Message 3 of 29

This is because your event structure is set up wrong. 99% of the time its going to be in your "timeout" structure, and you dont have anything going to your visible property nodes in the "timeout" section of your event structe. This is why only on button clicks (like BR1 mouse up) that the graph displays for a second, then it disappears when you go back into the timeout event.

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Message 4 of 29

Okay - You can disable the switches I added, but is this more what you were going for? You need to add something in the timeout loop that controls the graphs visibility. I'm not very good at this yet, so there is probably a better solution that this, but at least I found the problem 🙂 

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Message 5 of 29

I can't open the file as im using labview 7.1 . I need 4 graphs as stated by my supervisor where i can adjust the states of the waveform . can u take a screen shot of your block diagram so i can see what i can do from there . thanks . 

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Message 6 of 29

Okay, here are 3 pics. 

I didn't know a really good way to do this, but what I did was added a switch for BR1 and BR2. You wont actually use the switches in the front panel, they can be invisible. How they are controlled is in the BR1 and BR2 events as shown in the pictures. On the right side, I added local variables (for the 2 switches) which are controlled by the boolean constants that you made. 


This will sort of carry your visible decision forward to the timeout event, where you program spends most of its time. Hopefully this will make sense?

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Message 7 of 29

This might be more what you are looking for: "select", I just happend to run across this and thought this would help.

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Message 8 of 29

I don't think its working . what i need to do for now is when i press BR-1 , wave form chart 1 will show then if i press br - 2 wave form 2 will show . i tried to change the constant but it will stay but the wave won't run . 

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Message 9 of 29

Each button press changes graph to the coressponding graph. BR1 changes to graph 1, BR2 to 2 etc. I made this work for all 4 buttons. I think this is what you want?

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Message 10 of 29