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NewPort XPS strings

Im working on a motion control project. I am challenged currently by how to proprely format strings for propritary vis that were included with XPS Q8 motion controler. I have tried searching LabView Help, XPS Q8_Labview_manual(assotiated with the vis), and I strugle to see the answers from the vis themselves. Specifically I need to know how to format a string for multiple axis group name. Generally I would appreciate any suggestions as to what sort of resources could help me learn how to utalize the more complex vis included in  the FTP of an XPS Q8 motion controler(xy,xyz,multiple,etc...). I believe this is propritary subject so i procede with caution. 

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Message 1 of 3

We have used XPS controller some time ago. Check if Programmer's manual helps. Page 206 is group definition in ini file, page 213 - group functions

Anything usefull in current newport manuals?



Message 2 of 3

The progaramer's manual was a resource i neglected to review, thank you. I resolved my challenge by having multiple single axis actions instead of conroling group axis.

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Message 3 of 3