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Numeration of probes

Hello everyone,


I am currently debugging my project using Probes and Break Points. I have set many probes, but sometimes I forget some in a VI. The new probe is now on the bottom of the list in the probemonitor. This is often very confusing, since it may be called before the other probes.


My question: Is it possible to change the enumeration of the probes? 

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No way that I am aware of.


I do know that probes are grouped by VI.  So a new probe in the VI should be a the bottom of its group, not the bottom of the entire window.

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They are grouped, yes. But in the group it is still confusing when it is on the bottom.


Maybe I can add it to the wishlist  

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Message 3 of 4

There are two ways (related) to renumber probes.

  1. Close the Probe Window and dismiss all the Probes.  Then re-create them in the order you wish them to appear in the list.  The "down-side" is that the numbering will not reset, so if you originally had 11 probes and closed them all, the next Probe would be #12.
  2. Stop, then restart, LabVIEW.  This is similar to Step #1, but now the Probe numbering will restart from 1.

Personally, I find that having more than 4 or 5 probes open at a time is confusing.  My approach is to put several in "critical locations" -- if everything passes, I close the Probe Window and place a new set "at the next place to check".  If I'm trying to do a "wide-spread Fishing Expedition", I restart LabVIEW and try to place the Probes in the order I expect them to be activated.


Bob Schor

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