11-19-2019 03:25 PM
I have a vi with an event structure that's set to Show front panel when called. Close afterwards... The problem I'm having is is I use a switch called Continue to exit the loop and close the VI. When I enter the VI a second time the Continue switch is still TRUE and it immediately closes the VI. I added a 2 second delay just to see if the window was opening. I'm not sure how to make Continuous False when I leave the VI. Maybe make Continuous an input variable to the VI?
11-19-2019 05:05 PM
I believe you're actually creating two value change events due to your "switching" mechanism. I would change that button to have a latching mechanism, and also put the terminal into the event where it will be read.
11-20-2019 08:10 AM
Thanks Gregory. I'll try it out.