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OPC UA Toolkit: how to set initialization values when creating a subscription


I have got an OPC UA application in which I am monitoring 20.000 tags from a Siemens S7-300 PLC via a Kepware OPC server. Once per cycle (triggered every 1 min approximately by the increment of a counter) the PLC refreshes a certain number of these 20.000 tags at the same time. Because those tags are not refreshed continuously over the 1 minute but at the same time I wanted to implement this scheme:

  • Detect the trigger value change (counter)
  • Create a subscription for the 20.000 tags
  • Ask Kepware to refresh the values using on-demand flag
  • When the on-demand flag is reset by the Kepware server it means that all the values have been read
  • Check the notifications from the subscription to get the values that have changed
  • Close the subscription

The problem that I have is that I would like to create the subscription giving it a set of initialization values. Otherwise I will get notifications for all tags at the end of the on-demand request.

The OPC foundation website stipulates that initialization set of values is something standard when creating Subscriptions but I do not find anywhere in the Labview OPC UA Toolkit how to realize this.

Thank you for your help


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