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Opc configuration for Siemens s7- 400 with Softing NETlink PRO ETH adaptor

    I am working on SCADA development for Siemens S7-400 PLC using softing NETlink PRO ETH adaptor , but in OPC server i am  not able to communicate with plc. This cable is connected  to the MPI port of the PLC. The out of the adaptor is Ethernet for computer connection.

 I tried three different configurations which are based on Address, MPI ID and Rack slot type but not get any value in OPC client.

I tried following process.

     1) Configure the channel in OPC

           a) Select Siemens TCP/IP Ethernet

           b) Select the computer IP ( LAN card) (realtech

           c)Station address (2)

     2) Configure device.

           a) Device ID

           b) Device selection S7_400

           c) Device IP ( Which is NETlink adaptor IP

           d) rack and slot address (rack=0 and slot=2)


 After that I created new tag with selecting the address DB120.D04 (Dword) and check in OPC client utility here observed the value is Unknown and bad connection.  


There are three LED's on Softing Adaptor which are indicates

1) Communication done

2) Log on for MPI/PPI/ Profibus( Netlink Online)

3) Ready to communication


The first two LED's are green that means my communication is ok and I successfully log on for MPI.

But i am not getting any data value from PLC.


    My problem is that

1) Is Softing Netlink support for NI Opc server, because in NI opc server options are available for NETlink  which are require to configure Softing Netlink.

2) If yes, how to configure or there is any mistake in my steps which i have done.




Thank you all.


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Message 1 of 2

Hello dear. I have seen your post about NetLINK PRO adaptor and NI OPC server. Please tell me about your soliution for this. Does NI OPC support this connection?




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