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Open Serail Port Failed with Error Code: -1073807246

Problem Description: One C++ Software Called one LabVIEW DLL. The DLL is operationg one MCU by COM6 on the main board of one industry computer. If end the C++ software by task manager, now the COM6 is not closed.
A:I try to start up one LabVIEW EXE to open the COM6 created with one NI official VI "VISA Configure Serial Port (Instr).vi", the following error ocurred.

Error Code: -1073807246
Source:Property Node (arg 1) in VISA Configure Serial Port (Instr).vi

B:use the 2nd C++ software to open COM6 ok.
C:use MSComm to open COM6 ok.
D:use the 1st C++ software to open COM6 ok.

E:add the VISA close 2 times bofore open to LabVIEW EXE software, also open COM6 failed.
F:use the LabVIEW EXE to open COM6 NG after logout the computer, the error is the same with above.
G: I can use the LabVIEW EXE to open COM6 ok must after restart the computer.
How can I use the LabVIEW EXE to open COM6 ok without restart the computer?

LabVIEW Version: 2014(32bit)

NI-VISA Runtime: 14.0.0

Urgent! Thanks a lot.

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