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Optimizing built application performance in LV 2012 (and earlier)

There's a new help topic in the LabVIEW 2012 help called Optimizing Execution Speed for Built Applications.  If you're interested in the runtime performance of your built applications (EXEs, DLLs, etc.), I'd recommend taking a look.


Most of the steps apply to earlier versions of LabVIEW as well - just ignore the steps that mention the "compiler optimization threshold".


Greg Stoll


Greg Stoll
Message 1 of 3


I'm following the steps in the "Opitmizing Execution Speed for Built Applications" and noticed the Application:Compiler Threshold property doesn't exist in the property list. Now that I read your comment, ignore the steps that mention the "compiler optimization threshold" is it applicable using LV2015? The LV development editor environment is responsive enough for almost any modern PC.


My VIs are not large and all have an Code Complexity Optimization of 3 or less. If I have something greater than the default of 5 do I change the build to a setting 10 for the build only while keeping the VIs at 5 during edits?


Rich J

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 3

Hi Rich -


The Application:Compiler Threshold property is in LV 2015, but it doesn't show up unless you turn on the option to show Scripting properties in VI Server.  To do this:

  • Go to Tools->Options...
  • Select the VI Server category
  • Under the "VI Scripting" header, check the box that says "Show VI Scripting functions, properties and methods"

Now the Application:Compiler Threshold property should show up in a property node.  I'll look into clarifying the documentation in a future release of LabVIEW.


If you know your all your VIs have a Code Complexity of less than 5, though, this won't have any effect on how LabVIEW compiles any of them.  The idea behind that help topic was that people would want to leave their threshold at 5 in the editor, and this is a way to make sure it's set to 10 for the build only.


Sorry for the confusion!



Greg Stoll
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 3