I implemented this and it works decent so far. When I receive the data sets for an acquisition, I write them to a binary file and keep appending them. This seems reasonably fast.
Here are the details of my operation:
PCI 6110E
Total data points - 600,000
4 Channels, Double (But i am converting them to single), 32667 per acquisition
I wish to store these during the acquisition where it is used for some processing. It takes me about 20-22 seconds to collect the entire sample of data, process and display the results, and store them to a binary.
Reason for my storage is I will be using them on another VI. I am able to read the huge file and do some processing, and compute some metrics. It takes me about 2-3 seconds.
My main concern is the 20-22 seconds. I've not tried NI-HWS so far. Is it on one of the hardware driver CDs ? Iam not able to locate it.
Anyways, thanks a lot for your help.
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