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Ortec Labview drivers

Hi!,I'm looking for a labview driver for a MCA trump card produced by ortec.
Do they exist? or can they be only used with there supplied software?
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Message 1 of 5
Sorry, I don't have a driver for the Ortec MCA but while you're on the
subject of MCAs I thought I would mention a couple of things I've been
working on.

1. I helped a company develop a very sophisticated software package for
analyzing MCA data from reports generated by Canberra, Ortec, and other
MCAs. I used LabVIEW and the application builder to create this package.

2. I've also been working on an automated MCA system that controls and
retrieves data from a Canberra MCA and Genie2k. Canberra's Genie2k supports
Active-X and this made it very easy to control from LabVIEW.

3. One final thing that I am beginning to work on is the development of my
own MCA package that will use a National Instruments DAQ card as the
digitizer. This comes out of frustration with the sof
tware packages that
the other MCA manufacturers provide.

Best Regards,

Neal Pederson, President, VI Control Systems
1923 Mendius Lane, Los Alamos, NM 87544
TEL: (505) 662-1461, FAX: (603) 388-4969,

Keith Cairns wrote in message
> Hi!,I'm looking for a labview driver for a MCA trump card produced by
> Do they exist? or can they be only used with there supplied software?
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

If this thread is still alive---

  Dear TNT News,

 Can you please guide me through the initial part of controlling Genie2K using ActiveX? I understand that you are doing it commercially and its alright if you rather not do it.


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Message 3 of 5

Ametek, Inc. ORTEC multi-channel analyzer product drivers are available [for purchase] from If you use the product Maestro (32-bit or very recently also 64-bit), a driver CD comes bundled with the package: "Connections" with a CD volume name like UMCBI [version].


When the driver product is installed so are ActiveX components, e.g. c:\Windows\SysWOW64\UMCBI.ocx [Win7 x64] or c:\Windows\system32\UMCBI.ocx [XP/2000] depending on the product version and OS in use.


I found it necessary to register the ActiveX components manually ( from the command-line: regsvr32 UMCBI.ocx. Then the components were visible to import into LabVIEW (currently using 11.0.1) via the LabVIEW development environment menu: Tools > Import > ActiveX Controls.


The product A11-B32 "Connections Programmer's Toolkit with ActiveX Controls" provides documentation for the driver layer methods and the ActiveX controls. Also provides a typically older (LabVIEW 5.1) set of example VIs wrappering the ActiveX components.

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Message 4 of 5

Ametek, Inc. ORTEC multi-channel analyzer product drivers are available [for purchase] from If you use the product Maestro (32-bit or very recently also 64-bit), a driver CD comes bundled with the package: "Connections" with a CD volume name like UMCBI [version].


When the driver product is installed so are ActiveX components, e.g. c:\Windows\SysWOW64\UMCBI.ocx [Win7 x64] or c:\Windows\system32\UMCBI.ocx [XP/2000] depending on the product version and OS in use.


I found it necessary to register the ActiveX components manually ( from the command-line: regsvr32 UMCBI.ocx. Then the components were visible to import into LabVIEW (currently using 11.0.1) via the LabVIEW development environment menu: Tools > Import > ActiveX Controls.


The product A11-B32 "Connections Programmer's Toolkit with ActiveX Controls" provides documentation for the driver layer methods and the ActiveX controls. Also provides a typically older (LabVIEW 5.1) set of example VIs wrappering the ActiveX components.

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Message 5 of 5