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Overlay bitmap image onto video

I'm just starting to play around with the image overlay functions the vision toolkit provides, but one issue has stumped me early on. We are capturing VGA video and want to overlay a bitmap image of a graph built from the data collected. The image right now is 400x144, which should be small enough to fit into the video's 640x480 frame. I thought this would be a simple plug-and-play procedure where I could take a bitmap file, read it, and overlay it, but it seems that is not the case. The bitmap overlay VI requires the array from the bitmap to be two dimensional, while the read bitmap file VI puts out the information in a 1D array. I've tried reshaping the array into two dimensions, but the closest I have been able to come can be seen in the graph example picture below, while the actual graph I wish to display is labeled export. Any ideas on how to cleanly display this image?

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Message 1 of 9

Hey totally_wired,


Have you seen our image overlay examples on the NI Developer Zone? Be sure to check out the common questions and issues for the image overlay functions as well.  If you have the Vision Development Module software, these examples may also be helpful.


Could you send your VI so that we can take a look at how exactly you are doing the overlay? It never hurts to have a second (or Nth) set of eyes look at it 🙂

David G
Sales Engineer - SE Michigan & N Ohio
National Instruments
Message 2 of 9
I did look at those overlay examples briefly, although I didn't see anything that gave me any immediate insight to my problem. I've attached my VI, although I removed the paths to the avi and the bitmap. The bitmap image can be found in the zip in my original post, although I can't upload the avi since it is currently uncompressed and about 500 MB. Everyone here is very helpful, but I don't think many are helpful enough to be willing to wait for an hour while my 10 second video file downloads Smiley Happy.  This isn't a permanent solution, I'm just testing the waters before I decide on a comperssion method.
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Message 3 of 9
Actually, I just tried to access the bitmap overlay VI in the examples section and remembered my problem that I had before. It seems the VIs were created using 5.1, and my copy of 8.5.1 is unable to open them. Are there any copies anywhere that 8.5.1 would be able to open? Thanks.
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Message 4 of 9

Hello totally_wired,


I have saved for version 8.5.1 and attached the VI’s from the Image Overlay DevZone. I will update the DevZone in the next week to reflect version 8.5.1 as well. Thanks for pointing that out!

David G
Sales Engineer - SE Michigan & N Ohio
National Instruments
Download All
Message 5 of 9
And the remaining 3...

Message Edited by DjDaveNI on 07-16-2008 04:34 PM
David G
Sales Engineer - SE Michigan & N Ohio
National Instruments
Message 6 of 9
Thanks DJDave! Those updated VIs worked perfectly and helped a lot.
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Message 7 of 9



I was doing the subject similar to overlay image onto real-time video.

My question is :

How to overlay the image onto the video with different resolution? 

The video's resolution is 640x480 , and because my image is smaller like 240x 320 , I dont know how to overlay it.

And one another question is how to overlay it??


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Message 8 of 9

Hi Z123,


I would post in a new forum rather than this one seeing as this is from 2008. Posting a new topic will give more visibility.


That being said. I would check out the overlay bitmap VI.


Michael Bilyk
Former NI Software Engineer (IT)
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Message 9 of 9