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PCI-1588 Fails Self-Test and Reports Error -50550

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I install the drivers for my PCI-1588 NI card and I get the following error:


The device self test has failed. The error report from the device driver is as follows:

Error -50550 occured at Self-Test



Now I normally don't get mad when I see an error, but when the error code is undocumented I say, why?


Anyway, my Event Viewer says:


LabVIEW information:  Error: 400 "Bad Request" for "deletetree", file "": Unsupported protocol       .


[nitsuu] [[NI-Sync]]  Fatal: .\source\nitsu\service\tDriverInitializer.cpp:80 - An error is causing this NI-Sync Device to fail initialization, Error code -50550



Has anybody else seen this error?


I will try changing the slot in which my PCI card has been installed, but I would really appreciate some more debug info.



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Message 1 of 5

Hi John80-


     Which version of NI-Sync did you install?  What Operating System and version of LabVIEW are you using?  Did this card work in another computer before?


     Sorry for the barrage of questions.  Have a great day!

Gary P.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 5

well, the plot just thickened.  As I opened up my computer to pull out my card, I accidentally pulled one of my SATA cables and snapped the hard drive connector 😞 So now I can't boot back in because the connector has been damaged beyond repair.  (Good thing I have subversion)


I am going to replace my hard drive and will reinstall it soon.


From my memory however, I had:


Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit

LabVIEW 2010

NI-Sync 3.10




I was just wondering if anybody knew what error -50550 was.

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Message 3 of 5

So I reinstalled windows and labview...etc


I made sure to install the NI-Sync drivers before plugging the card in, and everything worked.


I think what was causing the issue is that I installed Sun Microsystems "Virtual Box" software, which creates one virtual network card, which probably did something.


I will install VirtualBox soon, but not until I finish some other work first (I don't want to have to reinstall to get it to work again)


anyway, just passing along what happens.



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Message 4 of 5
Accepted by topic author John80

My final update....  the self-test would occasionally fail after reinstalling windows, and the only solution that I found that never fails is to go to device manager, uninstall the device from there (do not delete driver source files) and then to immediately rescan for new hardware.


Then it would work in DAQ!

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Message 5 of 5