06-09-2017 01:14 PM
I have this VI that is occasionally reporting a measured negative voltage of a battery
and I am not sure why because tis value should never be a negative value...
Below is a screen shot with a couple of probes and I would appreciate any ideas on how
to correct this issue
06-09-2017 02:52 PM
Is it within precision? Hard to see on this low resolution picture, but looks like you have -4 mV value with +/- 10 V range. 12 bit board, you can not expect better precision.
If your battery is 5 V and you are getting 0, then it is connection issue.
Can you show graph of the points without averaging? Is it always 0, or oscillating between +/-5 so that averages to 0?
06-09-2017 03:46 PM
I used to have good eyes but they are not working so well as I near 40.
06-20-2017 01:20 PM
Sorry for the delay in responding as I have been trying everything to isolate this but it no longer
looks like a Labview issue and more of a hardware issue, and here is why I think that this is so...
I decided to isolate everything by only connecting the PCI-6024E that is inside my PC to a NI SCB-68A breakout box.
I then connected a jumper wire from the SCB-68A chassis ground lug to pin 68 (AI 0) as this is the line that I am measuring
with my application and hardware test fixture and all measured values are Negative which is why my application is failing.
Below is a screen shot of the measurements
Because this now appears to be a hardware problem, which forum should I post this issue in?
06-20-2017 01:40 PM
Negative is not a problem. You are getting 0 within board precision.
06-20-2017 01:57 PM
I would look at the SCB Switch settings