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PCI-6251 reference analoge edge trigger not work with two channels?

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Here is new error, show at start in the block diagam

Please see what I did wrong

0 Kudos
Message 21 of 24
Accepted by topic author detech
You have an Analog Window trigger set instead of an Analog Edge.  Please see my previous post for more information.
John Passiak
0 Kudos
Message 22 of 24
Thanks, it works now. You gave great advice, which save us a lot time. Thank again. Liming
0 Kudos
Message 23 of 24

Please let me revive this issue as I also encouter the same kind of problems with my PCI MIO 1 E4 DAQ-card.


I do understand now that a reference analog edge trigger only allows 1 channel to be read when you want to trigger on that same channel. If you want 2 channels to be read the only way to trigger is via the PFI0 terminal.


The problem is in our case that the PFI0 pin is soldered to the same pin as Dev1/ai2 (for reasons of external triggering). This means that I can not choose anymore on what channel I want to trigger as it is always PFI0, i.e. channel2.


Let me say that I do need the reference trigger as I want pretrigger samples. I know that in start trigger mode there is no problem as I can just sort my channels programmatically in the DAQmx read out scheme.


I actually inherited some older (< LV7.0) code where the programmers of that time used AI Waveform which seemed to deal with this issue: via software I guess. Is there an updated version of this ? Or something similar? The software trigger Trigger and is too slow for the very basic application we run. Just reading two signals and plot them on the screen. With or without trigger on one channel or the other and the posibility to 'move' the signal in time. Therefore the pretigger samples!


All comments are welcomed.



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Message 24 of 24