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PCR Temperature Control and Monitoring

Hii, I am working on a project where I need to control and monitor the temperature with three zones respectively for amplification using pcr technique:

1) Denaturation - 95 C (2mins)

2) Annealing - 60 C (60sec)

3) Extension - 72 C (45sec)


This is for one complete cycle. And I need to run this procedure for n cycles. I am using the following components:

1) Peltier module for temperature heating purpose

2) DAQ 6002

For 3 different temp I am using only two peltiers  heating module and I am achieving third temp by balancing the two, you can just see vi file below, but I am not sure till what extend it will be accurate.


I am herewith attached the vi file. I request you to please do the needful and reply for the same. If you have the vi code for the above please I kindly request to share or upload it.

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