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PS3 Steering Wheel – LabVIEW Interface

I am trying to interface the steering wheel/peddles from my PS3 into LabVIEW.  Then I will use this to control a remote control car. 


Sounded pretty easy, but I am having trouble getting LabVIEW to see the PS3 steering wheel. 


I have been trying to follow the USB Instrument Control Tutorial (  To start with, my Windows Vista system already recognizes the device.  So, I proceeded to section 2.3, and no luck, my USB device wasn’t listed in MAX or in the VISA Interactive Control panel. 


So, started from the beginning, and created a INF file.  Went to device manager, and told it to load this as the driver for my steering wheel. 


After this, I still have no USB devices listed in MAX or in the VISA Interactive Control panel. 

So, has anyone already done this, or have suggestions?




Will G>

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 11

First, undo everything that you did with the VISA wizard. That includes removing the inf and compiled version from your system. Then unplug/plug in your device and see how it is seen by windows device manager. You should always try to use the windows driver instead of trying to write your own. Unless you can get detailed information from the vendor, doing your own driver is not going to work anyway.

If the steering wheel uses the windows HID driver and emulates a joystick then use the Connectivity>Input Devices palette. If the joystick function does not work but it still uses the HID driver, then you can probably use the Call Library Function Node. I have not used HID but I have seen related posts. You might want to search the forum.

Message 2 of 11

Thanks, this worked perfectly. 

I wasn't aware of the joystick function in the Connectivity>Input Devices palette.


Thanks for the lesson.


Will G>

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 11

An update.  This worked great for the drum set for Rock Band.  But, not working for a steering wheel. 


So, I am still digging trying to find ways to read the inputs.


Will G>

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11

OK, final solution.  I went out to Logitech and downloaded the new drivers for the steering wheel.  Now, it works great.  At least for the read functions. 


I am able to read the potentiometers for the steering wheel, brakes, throttle and all of the switches.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11

Hello, I just read the discussion today...


I am quite new to LabVIEW & steering wheels.... Could I ask for some suggestions about using LabVIEW to receive(read) data from a USB-interface steering wheel? For my research, I am trying to build up the interface between LabVIEW and Logitech G25 steering wheel, and later I will need to know the drivers' behavior, both from the steering wheel and the pedal.


At first I couldn't see G25 in LabVIEW, but later I also tried the steps mentioned above (the USB Instrument Control Tutorial & VISA Interactive Control panel stuffs) and then the USB device somehow showed up. However, I felt the process of establishing the device was not so correct, so I would like to undo the steps and ask and then follow some successful experience to access G25 with LabVIEW properly.


Another question is, could you also give me some ideas about how to build up the VI structure for this case? Sorry for the big question, but I already tried many days to figure out how could I communicate G25 with LabVIEW. I just didn't know which Express VI I should use, and I am also not familiar with the parameters, inputs & outputs....


Thanks a lot for reading this and that will be great if you could give me some help!

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11

Everything you need to do is explained above. Have you done any of those steps?

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 11



Thanks for your quick response!


I didn't do anything as you suggested before my previous post (I read the discussion at home), and I tried to follow the steps today morning. I think it's working now, at least I can see some corresponding information while operating the steering wheel. I will keep working on how to deal with the data for my research. Thanks a lot ! Smiley Happy

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11

Hi ,

        i am doing steering wheel programming .i ave installed the Labview and working on that long time but still not able to do .is that possible i can get the program and i can play with that and make it more better then that .and full fill my needs by using the program.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 11

hi can i get your program of streeing wheel and see

0 Kudos
Message 10 of 11