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PUlse type signal generation cannot be done. HELP. Please.

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How can I generate a signal using computer in labview software but not using DAQ? 
I need a continuous pulse signal which is basically increasing and decreasing slowly w.r.t. time. i.e. it's a not pulse as it's already given in labview simulate signal option. I need the d.c. signal which may be will be merge of more than 2-3 signals.  Please Help me with the solution, if possible, or any kind of solution as soon as possible.  

The image of the pulse is attached herewith. 

The link of the pulse is : file:///C:/Users/Priyabrata%20Saha/Desktop/internship/pulse.JPG

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Message 1 of 17
  • What is increasing/decreasing (e.g. amplitude or freqeuncy)?
  • Where is the dc signal coming from?
  • Where are the other 2-3 signals coming from? Is everything simulated?

It is difficult to understand what you actually want. Can you give a more detailed description?


(...and please don't link to files on your hard drive, we (hopefully 🐵 cannot access those!)

Message 2 of 17
  • Here are the answers to your question: 

    The amplitude is along y-axis and time (in msec) is in x-axis. So the ampiltude is increasing and decreasing. I wish to keep the frequencey at 8 MHz. 

  • Actually, i have to generate this signal using labview and send it to amplifying device 6642A ( Keysight Technology) through GPIB cable. This signal will be used for some experimental purposes. 

  • There is only one signal in the image. This is the pattern of signal to be used has been shown in the image attached.

    I have tried all options using labview. Sine, sawtooth, etc options of signal generation are available, but can I create the type of signal I am wanting here? 

    Please reply. 
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Message 3 of 17
Accepted by topic author jeet.saha3.js
Message 4 of 17

Well, I just tried. 

Still stuck at how to convert data points. I got some data points in excel. (.xlsx format), whereas I need to convert them in .lvm format in order to load the points. 

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Message 5 of 17

 How can I get a labview measurement file (.lvm) ? 

It seems that I cannot load .txt or .xlsx(excel) files. I have around 100 data points t plot the graph, but even if I manually enter them, it's not working. 

What can I do ? 

Do I have any other options?

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Message 6 of 17
There are hundreds of examples of reading and writing Excel and text files. Have you tried any of them? To say you cannot just means you've not written your program correctly and you have not attached it so someone can see what is wrong.
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 17

This is the .txt file with datas in tab separated. I am trying to use Arbitrary signal generation. But .txt files doesn't seem to open in 'load data'. Neither .lvm. 

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Message 8 of 17
A simple Read From Spreadsheet function is the only thing you need to read that file. You'll get a 2D DBL array. I have no idea which column you want to use. Neither appears to be time so you would need that to create a waveform.
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Message 9 of 17

I tried converting the file into lvm but still of no help. The x-axis i.e. the first column is the time. It's value is very small because my frequency is very large ( in the range of MHz.) 

So whenever I am loading the data, its not taking it, Can you help ? 

I have also tried with 'Mathscript' and trying to do with 'interp1' function of matlab inside the mathscript. How can I do it? Can anyone help me with the coding part. I am no good at coding. I have no knowledge of matlab coding. 

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Message 10 of 17