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Part time LabVIEW programmer needed

Hi All,

I am looking for a part time LabVIEW programmer to help maintain and enhance
an existing LabVIEW application.
The company is located in Central Florida area - someone local would be most
desireable. The program is fairly complex and interfaces with proprietary
DAQ hardware. If you have less than 2 years of experience, its probably
more than you would want to tackle.

Goto to see product info here is one of the few screen shots.

If you are interested please respond to, please don't
respond to the E-Mail that this is posted from.

The web site also has phone numbers and addresses.


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 26

I realize you are looking for a permanent Labview programmer, but you might find the flexibility and cost effectiveness of having a contractor working on a project basis an attractive alternative.

We are a small group of programmers who specialize in, but are definitely not limited to, LabVIEW and DAQ applications. Our model is a little unusual in that we contract through a company in Connecticut, while we are individually located throughout the country (CT, TX, AZ, CA).

Every one of us has a degree in some engineering discipline with varied levels and types of industry experience. We try to match up an engineer(s) to a particular assignment based on their expertise. They also become the point of contact for all contract negotiations.

Generally, we tr
y to complete a project with minimal to no site visits, for two main reasons: it helps us keep the cost of a project down; given the scope of most one-time assignments, it is completely unnecessary. We have enough instrumentation and equipment to test most smaller systems. Granted, we may not own any particular instrument that you happen to be using (we won't have a $30k Tektronix logic analyzer!), but we can make special arrangements as required.

If you are interested and want further information, feel free to contact me at

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 26


I am hadi and I have more than 10 years experiance in labview programming.

I am interssted for that job.

My email is



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 26
Hope you need to post job related postings in different board (special interest boards). LabVIEW jobs forum
Palanivel Thiruvenkadam | பழனிவேல் திருவெங்கடம்
LabVIEW™ Champion |Certified LabVIEW™ Architect |Certified TestStand Developer

Kidlin's Law -If you can write the problem down clearly then the matter is half solved.
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 26

You replied to a 14 16 years old post, unless you have a time machine there is little chance to catch that job 😉

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 26

Yes not capitalizing your name, let alone LabVIEW properly after having so much experience, not to mention the spelling mistakes, and putting personal contact information in your post, doesn't bode well either.  If you can't be bothered to following Internet edicate, you probably aren't going to check how long ago the post was made either.

Message 6 of 26



Hooovahh brings up a point of contention for me. At my previous company (extremely large, $5B gross income, commercial avionics), I was the technical lead and ultimate decision maker for candidates applying for software test engineering. I IMMEDIATELY disqualified people who didn't properly spell LabVIEW or TestStand on their resume. 


You'd be surprised how many people don't put an ounce of effort in a resume, speaks volumes regarding their work ethic.



Message 7 of 26

@ChrisK88 wrote:

IMMEDIATELY disqualified people who didn't properly spell LabVIEW or TestStand on their resume. 




Competent programming is an excercise in intelligence, attention to detail and rigor. Indeed my own experience also tells me that sloppy and simplistic reading and writing proficiency generally signals a lack of those traits and instead reeks of a banal mind, opportunism and arrogance. Indeed an irritating mindset to deal with for people that strive for excellence.



0 Kudos
Message 8 of 26

@User002 wrote:

@ChrisK88 wrote:

IMMEDIATELY disqualified people who didn't properly spell LabVIEW or TestStand on their resume. 




Competent programming is an excercise in intelligence, attention to detail and rigor. Indeed my own experience also tells me that sloppy and simplistic reading and writing proficiency generally signals a lack of those traits and instead reeks of a banal mind, opportunism and arrogance. Indeed an irritating mindset to deal with for people that strive for excellence.



Pretty sure Ben would disagree with you on that.  LabVIEW is a godsend for people with dyslexia.

Message 9 of 26

@Intaris wrote:

@User002 wrote:

@ChrisK88 wrote:

IMMEDIATELY disqualified people who didn't properly spell LabVIEW or TestStand on their resume. 




Competent programming is an excercise in intelligence, attention to detail and rigor. Indeed my own experience also tells me that sloppy and simplistic reading and writing proficiency generally signals a lack of those traits and instead reeks of a banal mind, opportunism and arrogance. Indeed an irritating mindset to deal with for people that strive for excellence.



Pretty sure Ben would disagree with you on that.  LabVIEW is a godsend for people with dyslexia.

Obviously dyslexia does not mean someone is missing discipline, ability to focus or having a good style (in programming, etc.). But if someone without any such writing/reading disfunctionality shows bad writing/reading skills, it indicates problems indeed. But I think it is also connected to overall education level: someone with better educational background will show better writing skills. Hmm, however the future generation might change this: they will not be able to write or read properly, but how to use a tablet 😄

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Message 10 of 26