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Peak Detector

Good evening, I had a problem with my VI, I must find the number of peaks of a periodic sign wave (either sine, square or triangular), I'm doing it with comparisons but when I do it, I don´t detect all the peaks, or If do detect peaks, i detect more peaks, I´m not allowed to use the SubVI called "Peak Detection" so I must do it “By hand”, I´ll attach my VI if someone could give a hand, in advance, thank you very much to anyone who can help.

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Message 1 of 3

Can't you derivate the signal and find the zero points ? Pls share for lv 2020

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Message 2 of 3

Hi, thanks for replying(:, i haven´t tried the derivate thing, but nonetheless if you could give me a hand it would be very aprecciated.(: (I´ll attach my VI 

P.D. i think i was able to put it in a previous version but I think it was 2012's version, if theres a problema, pls let me know(:, thanks in advance

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Message 3 of 3