09-01-2009 07:44 AM
thanks to Ronke for the attached file . Nevertheless I have not Labview 8 (but labview 7) and I can not use the VIs.
Can somebody save these VIs for labview 7?
Best Regards
07-12-2010 10:38 AM
Did you ever get cleared to post these? They would be wonderfully helpful!
06-10-2011 04:25 PM
Another development attempt ot connect LabVIEW and PVCAM compatible cameras is going on here:
please, join us if you can.
mzu aka mzu2006, labviewportal.eu english forum moderator
06-22-2011 04:31 PM - edited 06-22-2011 04:34 PM
Has anyone been able to get the buffer vi's to work? or where to get the buffer handle hbuf?
Thank you for any help!
Labview 2009
Windows XP
06-22-2011 09:24 PM
Thinking back on the work I did all those years ago, I would be inclined to suggest that Photometrics (or whoever they are now) should be boycotted for not providing proper LabVIEW drivers for their cameras at no extra cost. Take your money to someone who provides proper support for their hardware instead of making you pay thousands of dollars extra, I say!
04-17-2014 02:50 PM
hi ronke,
Do you know how to find a Scientific Imaging ToolKit ?
04-18-2014 08:11 AM
05-06-2014 08:33 PM
Hi ronke,
Thank you for you help. Do you know how to output imaging data? The manual of the STIK or example VI would be very helpful.
05-10-2017 04:31 AM - edited 05-10-2017 04:40 AM
This post is quite Old :D. I am trying to do the same thing. Its going to take time to develop the LabVIEW drivers from scratch.
Can any one please share the LabVIEW drivers if they have already worked on it ?
01-11-2018 10:41 AM
@swasa wrote:
This post is quite Old :D. I am trying to do the same thing. Its going to take time to develop the LabVIEW drivers from scratch.
Can any one please share the LabVIEW drivers if they have already worked on it ?
I also go and revive again this old discussion. Well, it made me a bit pessimistic 😄
Anyway, the story short: I inherited a bunch of VIs, which are used in an application which I need to refactor. The whole application is a nightmare, so we decided to create a new project from scratch.
Right now we started to develop the hardware libraries. We have a couple of CCD cameras in the system, which we need to communicate with from LabVIEW. The old LV application used here in the lab produces random and unexpected errors, and we suspect that one reason is the wrongly used DLLs for these CCD cameras.
Right now I am preparing to test and review LV code which should control a Princeton Instruments PIXIS CCD camera. I inherited some VIs and a DLL (pvcam32.dll) which are recently used in the project. My task is to check whether these VIs introduce these crashes/unexpected camera behavior (wrong dll calls, memory leaks, etc?). I put all these recent VIs into a lvlib, plus the DLL, and zipped it up, find it attached. Since I have ~0 experience using DLLs from LV (specially no idea how to start troubleshooting), I would be very grateful to get any advice/hints!
As I read in this thread, I should also get my hand on some header files corresponding to this pvcam.dll (to be able to import the functions). Since I could not find such files in the inherited folders, I am right now requesting the "PVCAM SDK" from here, I hope I get it soon: https://www.qimaging.com/support/downloads/pvcam-sdk/
The zip also contains the "PVCAM 2.7 Software User Manual.pdf" manual beside the DLL file. So in the next days/weeks I need to enhance/fix these DLL calling VIs, and test it with the real hardware. If I get a fixed driver version later, I will be happy to share it with the community!
So, any help/suggestions are welcome! 🙂