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Pickering PCI relay cards and Mux cards

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I am using Pickering PCI Relay cards and Mux cards for our checkout. I got the drivers and installed it. But its default is PXI. I am using PCI.and how to program this cards. i can't get any idea for this. If someone knows please help me
"Thanks with regards "
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Message 1 of 11

Can you please tell us what are the softwares and drivers you are using.




But its default is PXI. I am using PCI



What exactly do you mean by this?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 11

i am used VISA.Visa Resourse name is PXI(PXI::14::INSTR by default). this pickering we are used in PCI type.How to change from PXI to PCI.These cards are mounted in PCI slot of an Industrial PC. And also how to control each relays or mux.


thank you responding. 

"Thanks with regards "
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 11


What is the model number of the Pickering card? You could check for the instrument drivers (they might be there). If not, you can check with pickering if they have them.

Also, what software are you using to control the card?


You can check this link out for more info on VISA driver development for PCI/PXI 




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Message 4 of 11

In, nothing about pickering softwares. Help me to program through visa on LabView7.1. Pickering website also giving PXI platform softwares only. They are telling PXI/PCI it will work. But in my computer, default is PXI::14::instr  only I cannot changed to PCI::14::


"Thanks with regards "
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11

hello sir,

          Model no of the pickering cards are 50-115-121/122 and 50-670-021-99/1. these are the cards. In this one is relay card and the other is multiplexer card. I programmed it through the drivers which are they provided in the website "". same drivers are provided in the driver cd.

I placed one palette for the initialization. In this resource name is there. By clicking on it one more palette will come,it says PXI::14:: like that. After finishing the programming I run the program. Then one error will show like "It will not work in this resource name" I tried with the link which sir you gave earlier. But it is not working ,same thing it is showing.

Please help me sir 

"Thanks with regards "
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11

You marked your post as solved. Is it solved or do you need help? If you need help, use 'Options' above the message body to change it.


I think the best place for you to get support is with Pickering. I went to their web site but it requires registration to look at the manual. In order to use VISA, a correct driver for your pci cards needs to be installed and that should come from Pickering. Once it is properly installed, it should show up in MAX (Measurement & Automation Explorer) and then you can click on the little arrow on the right side of the VISA Resource Name control to select from the available resources.


You don't mention which version of NI-VISA you have installed but you could try the latest version.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 11

hello sir


NI-visa version is 4.0 

"Thanks with regards "
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11
And do the cards appear in MAX? Did you install an inf file that came from the vendor? How do the cards show up in device manager? A search for 'Pickering' comes up with quite a few results. Have you looked at those to see if someone had a similar problem?
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 11

Hello sir


Thank you for the given idea. 


I found in MAX  and its corresponding addresses also.But when I am programing it never initializing. First problem was dll file not found. I searched,found  and relocated to it . even after it is showing some error like timed out and not initialized etc.

 inside the initialisation palette one error convertion palette is there, it is showing the error. 


Thanking you once again for the help. 

"Thanks with regards "
0 Kudos
Message 10 of 11