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Please How can I capture and integrate a single pulse of a DC signal from an external circuit

Hello everyone

I am trying to integrate a signal from an external circuit I have built. I want to capture just a single pulse from the signal and integrate it. Please can anyone assist me with how I can perform this?

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Message 1 of 4



We need some more details. Where do you wan ot integrate the signal? If you want to capture the signal fram an external circuit you should have a DAQ card which has analog inputs. Do you have any DAQ card?

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Message 2 of 4

yes I have an NI6008 card .I am trying to integrate a signal which comes from a transformer via a switching signal . I am not getting the required result which is suppose to be a rampling signal. I wanted to know if it was possible to just capture only one pulse and perform an integration on it.



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Message 3 of 4

The 6008 has no hardware analog trigger, so to capture a single pulse, you will need to trigger in software.  It does have a digital trigger, so if you have a digital way to signal the start of your pulse, it would make your life easier.  You will need to ensure you take enough data to get an entire pulse.  At that point, use one of the trigger VIs to find the start (and possibly end) of your signal.  Take a subset of your data and integrate it (LabVIEW does support integration).


If you have trouble finding anything, let us know.  Find the trigger and integration VIs using the search feature of the palettes.

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Message 4 of 4