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Plot Notch Filter during runtime

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I'm developing an application where the user can change the coefficients of a notch filter (frequency and width). I want to plot a Bode diagram with the actual notch filter parameters, as when you change it during the developement.

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Does anyone how to do it?



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Message 1 of 8

It depends on what parameters or processing code you have access to.

If I understand your situation right you are designing your filter at run time (on your Win target I assume) and you get a filter VI. If you have access to your zeros directly you can create the corresponding response.

If you have an instance of the filtering VI itself (so time domain filtering VI) you can calculate the magnitude spectrum of your filter impulse response as shown on the attached VI.

If your situation is different please give us more details and preferably some code to look at.


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Message 2 of 8



I'm going to check the example. Can you send it in labVIEW 2014 version?



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Message 4 of 8



I think that I didn't explained well what I want.  


I'm using the Notch Coefficients function to generate the scaled coefficients to pass them to the Notch Filter.

So, when I change the coefficients (frequency or width) I want to see the response of the filter as if I do double clicking in the Notch Coefficients function

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Message 5 of 8
Accepted by topic author anderg

Try the attached VI. It requires LabVIEW 2014 FPGA.

Also the VI is password protected since it uses NI internal tools that are password protected, but you should be able to use it as a subVI in your application.


Message 6 of 8


    I forgot to mention that the VI I provided above is by no means officially supported by NI and may break if you upgrade to future LabVIEW versions.

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Message 7 of 8



That is what I was looking for. I'm going to try it

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