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Plot multiple y axis from csv file

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Hi All,


I have the attached csv file. And I want to be able to plot the first column as the x axis, and the second two columns as two separate y axis on the one xy plot.


I am not sure why my coding is not working.


Thanks in advance.

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Message 1 of 5

Go into your graph's property settings.  Go to Plots page.  make sure your 2nd plot is set for the 2nd Y-axis.  Right now they are both assigned to the 1st Y-axis.


Use Block Diagram Cleanup to straighten your wires.

Message 2 of 5

Thanks for the quickreply RavensFan.


However, I thought they were on different axis? Please see screenshots of properties




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Message 3 of 5
Accepted by topic author ENGINEERALEX

I swear the first time I opened your code, it looked like the properties weren't set that way.  But after your message, I closed and reopened and checked again.  They were.


I do see problems with your Read Spreadsheet file function.

1.  You are only reading 3 rows.  Delete that 3 constant.

2.  You don't have a constant set for delimiter.  Unwired it defaults to a tab.  You need to add a string constant and put a comma in it.

3.  Your index array is picking Rows 0, 1, and 2.  You want to pick Columns 0, 1 and 2.


When I fix those things, I see two lines and both stretch the full length of the Y axis, each on its own with different Y scales.


EDIT:  Actually something is odd about the way you wired your data.  Your column 0 became the Y axis for both,.  And columns 1 and 2 become X axes.  When I go and fix your auto-scale issues on the graphs, your graph axially looks like the second chart.  I think you mixed up your X and Y columns.  Make sure you understand how your data is saved in your file, and understand the differences between rows and columns, and the order that you bundle the arrays to make a plot.




After fixing X and Y axes so they all auto-scale


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Message 4 of 5

Those steps sorted it!


I had my inputs to the bundles the wrong way round, looks much better now.


I really appreciate your help with this issue, thank you!

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Message 5 of 5