01-06-2006 05:14 AM
01-06-2006 05:46 AM
01-06-2006 07:49 AM
Unless you are a total C crack (and then you wouldn't have asked here I think), forget about doing this in LabVIEW alone. There are several things here why it really will be difficult or even impossible to get away here without a wrapper DLL.
@vlipje wrote:I want to show a browse for folder dialog on the screen with the help of a call to shell32.dllfunction :LPITEMIDLIST SHBrowseForFolder(
);browseinfo looks like this:typedef struct _browseinfo {
HWND hwndOwner;
LPTSTR pszDisplayName;
LPCTSTR lpszTitle;
UINT ulFlags;
LPARAM lParam;
int iImage;
} BROWSEINFO, *PBROWSEINFO, *LPBROWSEINFO;Following the instructions in the help file of labview, every variable should be converted to a string and concatenated to obtain a binary structure comparable with the wanted structure Problem is that there are pointers inside this structure. Pointers to string should first be resolved. How can I get pointers to strings etc.?Or even a solution for passing such a structure.