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Possible to move window to front without making active?

@pcardinale: As I click on different windows, I expected App.ActiveVI to output their name, but it didn't, in fact it was rather bizare.  It would often report "VI Heierarchy" as the name of the active VI.  Also, it appended a charector (usually a 'B') to the front of the string.


My goal is to be able to maintaine tiers of windows with different z-ordering but allow you to interact with windows at any level.  So, my tier 3 windows will be on top of tier 1 and 2 windows but you'll still be able to interact with a control on the main window which is tier 1.  The problem is that when you click on the tier 1 control, that window comes to the front.  I need to force it back to the back while still keeping it as the active window (I guess I'm using the Windows term 'active' not the LabVIEW term).  We have succeded in doing this except by using Windows API calls, which I'm trying to get rid of as we're porting to MacOS.

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Message 11 of 18



Is it possible for the front panel window: state property to help you acheive your design?  The property in conjunction with FP:Open allows you to open VI's in different states and may be a solution to your issue.  Here is the help file that may be of some assistance.



J Newk
Systems Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 12 of 18

@J-Newkirk: I tried the state property and it does not seem to help.  Specifically, I tried setting windows to frontmost and then setting their state back to what it was before.  


What do you believe I should do with the open method state input?

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Message 13 of 18

I'm having the same issue.  


We need an in-active window open and monitor a graph and be able to work on the main FP.  The biggest issue is leaving the window in-active, on-top and still being able to control from the main FP


Did you figure it out?

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Message 14 of 18

I never found a solution that was native to LabVIEW.  I believe that we are using windows API calls to accomplish what we need and simply disabling the functionality on MacOS.

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Message 15 of 18



If I understand you correctly, the Float option under VI properties seems to do what you want on the Mac version. The first image is a screen shot taken jsut after starting Test Main The second image shows the result of pressing the increment button three times while test float is running.  VIs are in LV2013.




Float 1.png


Float 2.png

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Message 16 of 18

Could you save that to a 2012 format?  I would like to see if this is gonig to work for us

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Message 17 of 18

Here it is saved back to LV 8.0. I did not test in earlier versions and did get a warning. So if the VIs are broken, please let me know.



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Message 18 of 18