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Post Processing file

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I am reading file in labview which contains some comments separated by backslash but i dont want those commensts to be dispalyed after reading to be displayed in indicator. How to do this.


Below is attached vi and file

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Message 1 of 6

Search the array for an element that begins with \\ and delete that row from the array.

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Message 2 of 6

I tried this iwth search array function but it is detecting only when i am giving full comment as an input, whereas i want it to detect only \\.

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Message 3 of 6

You need to use a function such as Match Pattern to search a portion of each string element.

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Message 4 of 6

I tried this match pattern also, with this i am facing two problems first, it is detecting only for one time whereas in my file i am having multiple comments, and it is detecting only the first comment it sees and second issue is that it is just separating the backslash from the string and i want to separate the whole string with backslash. May be i am not using it properly 


below is the snippet of how i am doing.

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Message 5 of 6
Accepted by topic author RChoudhary

First, you need to operate on each element of the array, not on the string you made by converting the array into a spreadsheet string.


The second thing is based on the \\ pattern.  Look at the detailed for the function and how to build the pattern.  Because backslash has a special meaning for the match pattern, if you want to find a backslash, you use a double backslash to "escape out the code".  So double backslash means match a "literal backslash".  So use 4 backslashes to find a literal double backslash.

Message 6 of 6