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Precision operation (Float point) on FPGA 2011

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Dear Experts....


For my application I have to perform demodulation operation on FPGA. I want to store an array of double precision number. When I am trying to perform any double precision number operation I am getting this error "Wire:Type not supported in current target" From forums I came to know that on FPGA  in Labview 2011 I cannot have double precision operation. What is alternative?? Please help me with this. Due to this issue my work has been delayed due to this problem..


Thanks... Kindly guide...

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Message 1 of 6



Will this thread help solve your problem. Post your vi and explain in detail what you are trying to achieve.



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Dear Mathan, thanks for your reply.... I have already gone throught the link you sent, but for my application I have to have array of floating points number. I can not have integer numbers. Here I have attached my vi. I have to mix a signal of 20 Mhz with sin and cos signal to achieve demodulation. So for Sin and Cos values I have to have floating point. Is ther any way to overcome this problem?

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Message 3 of 6
Accepted by eBuddy

Fixed point.  A signed 16 bit word with 1 integer bit will represent sin and cos values fairly accurately.  Make sure you read the provisos on using arrays in FPGA

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
Message 4 of 6

If you have access to LabVIEW 2012, you can natively use single precision floating point on the FPGA. If the range and precision of single precision are sufficient for your application it may be worth trying before converting your application to fixed point. If you start running out of resources on the FPGA, you can then start porting pieces to fixed point as necessary.

Message 5 of 6

Thanks guys... Fixed point with 16 bit word and 1 integer worked for me on FPGA..

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Message 6 of 6