11-16-2022 10:19 PM
Hey, So I modified a version of a continuous analog output wave generator function on nidaqmx. Initially it worked as intended. (The default values are not the values I am using, as well as the name of the device, but I have been able to manually change them). I want to generate four alternating wave functions to trigger four channels. When I first created this code it worked as intended but no longer triggers the channels. Can anyone advise me as to why it might have stopped working?
Additionally, if someone could explain to me the buffer parameter/timing parameter limit and preferred values for a wave function (say 15 hz) I would be eternally grateful.
Thanks for your help.
11-17-2022 12:02 AM
Hi chrsjg,
@chrsjg wrote:
Hey, So I modified a version of a continuous analog output wave generator
So you created some code, then your code does not work as intended. And now you ask for help without attaching that code?
Think about this...