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Printing on a DYMO LabelWriter 400- usb?

Keep your negative energy to yourself.  To those in this thread that were requesting a Brady Print Example: In this vi you feed in a pre-defined .lab file and the vi prints it.There are also hooks for an external database connection.I use this to feed in different serial numbers for programmatic printing.

This is very simple, not polished. Enjoy.

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Message 21 of 28
I have some questions, sorry for asking 4 years later. On the far right of the block diagram given, there is what I'm assuming is an automated refnum, where you selected an activeX object, and you select something called Dymo.IDymoAddIn3(.) Whenever I try to repeat this, I can't find anything Dymo.(,) instead I find things like DymoExcelAddinLib.ILabelWriterAddin(.) Do you remember the software you had installed at the time you made your program. Thanks!
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Message 22 of 28

I just went through the process of figuring out how to print with a Dymo LabelWriter 450 using LabVIEW's ActiveX VIs. 


The big piece of information that I was missing was the name of the ActiveX class to select.  I assumed it would be DYMOsomethingorother, but it's actually named "DLS SDK COM Type Library Version 1.0" (at least that's what it is for the version of Dymo software I'm running).


Use the LabVIEW ActiveX VIs to open and access the methods/properties of this class.  Follow the Dymo SDK documentation to see what the process is for selecting a template and setting text and barcode fields as well as printing.



Message 23 of 28

Hi JHebert,


I'm currently having this same issue. Figuring out how to print with a Dymo LabelWriter 450 using LabVIEW. Did you manage to

succesfully print? I'm reading the DSL SDK Manual and its say's that this new DSL SDK does not support: Barcode Customization... Does this mean I cannot print bardcodes with different information in it...?


If you did manage to print using this method, can you share the VI that you developed and a brief explanation of what you did... I'm new to all this calling API's, activex methods and haven't quite understand.


I do only have experience printing with Zebra GTX420, using the USB RAW drivers...


I would really appreciate your help!

0 Kudos
Message 24 of 28

JLuna, hope you get the code you are asking for. Myself abandoned Dymo Labelprinter because we had some issues that I needed help from Dymo to solve, and I never got it. We changed to Zebra GK420d on the network instead, probably I can ask you for help when current setup failsSmiley Wink. As I remember I had a consultant constructing the raw print string with some tools from Zebra, and then just change some text strings in that. Not very flexible to change but it works. Also the labels are much cheaper with Zebra as you have probably noted.


It sound like I am advertizing Zebra, but to be fair I really like the Dymo printer since the tools for Labview integration seemed very good. But in the end I lacked the support from Dymo.

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Message 25 of 28

What kinds of issues did you get into that Dymo didn't help you with...? 

I used the .vi you shared in page 1. I had some minor problems, but it was because after requesting the printer names, I was getting two Dymos (I really don't know why) but all of a sudden it changed to only 1 Dymo (Dymo Copy... something like that) and

it started printing :D.


And with Zebra GX420t I had'nt had a problem whatsoever, using USB RAW Drivers. I print very fast and labels are at a decent price. I used this tutorial to communicate with Zebra using VISA functions:





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Message 26 of 28

Thanks for the link JLuna!

I don't really remember what problem I couldn't solve with Dymo, maybe it had to do with getting printer names, or handling more than one printer at one machine. But it was so long ago so it is probably no problem for you today.


And yes, also for us the Zebra (GK420d in out case) just prints and prints. To make printing from the web work is another story, I have some old code there that needs updating...

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Message 27 of 28

Connect the thermal label printer to your computer.
Download the software (select the Support tab and download the relevant drivers for your system)
Open System preferences > Printers and Scanners and click on the “+” button to add the printer.

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Message 28 of 28