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Problem inLabview 8.6.1f1 custom enum decrement not attached to control if moved



I need to customize a modern enum in labview 8.6.1.  I need to move the increment buttons to the right side of the enum.  After moving them to the right side, the decrement button remains in the exact same spot when you resize the enum control, whereas the increment button does what it is supposed to do and moves in conjunction with the control.  The problem also exists with the ring control.  However, the numerical control functions correctly and both increment and decrement are tied together and move in conjunction with resizing the enum.  Grouping is not available when modifying controls.  Does anyone have a workaround or fix for this issue?





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Message 1 of 3

Strike 1: Using modern instead of system

Strike 2: Using an enum as a UI element

Strike 3: Using increment/decrement on an enum


That said, let's not focus on why you are doing something, but what you are trying to do.  You have found a real bug (still happens in LV10) and I could see it being a bit annoying.  My usual "don't use an enum as a UI element" or "increment/decrement should not be used for enums" arguments fail since it also happens for a ring.


Since you already have to go to the Control Editor to customize the enum, and since you should probably be Type Def'ing your enums anyway, I suggest you make it a Strict Type Def when you are finished which will prevent you from resizing outside of the Control Editor.

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Message 2 of 3

I appreciate the response.  It is unfortunate for such a simple thing to still be a bug...especially when as I stated it works fine for a numeric control even in my version.  It also works fine with the classic enum control.  With that being said, the retarded part with that mode that I am having problems with is the button images.  I copied and pasted the modern images onto the images in the classic version and it appears that it has a bug in the images.  When I copy either the off or the on image, the other original image will remain (as expected) and the toggle will work.  Once I copy the second image in, it changes both images to the same image, thus the toggle has the "appearance" of not working.

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Message 3 of 3