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Problem installing NI Packet Manager: GUIExecutableFullPath

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Hello community,

I write here because I have a problem installing the NI Packet Manager and have tried almost all solutions I could find without getting positive results.

The problem is the following:

NIProblem.pngWhich occurs when I try to launch the NI Packet Installer. It happened after I stopped the installation and tried to start it again, so I suppose it is caused because the installer detects an occupied pathway. First solution I thought was deleting the folders created by the installer (which was started but stopped after some seconds):

C:\Program Files\National Instruments

C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments

but didn't solve anything. After that I tried searching in the program section of Windows for any program which could have been installed, but there was nothing related to the NI Packet Manager. Then I tried installing the program in the HDD, but I was not able to change the installation path. Finally, I used the offline installation method, but throws the message "Packet is already installed", which is partially false.


So I web through the Internet in search of a solution and came accross a post in wich the owner had the same problem:

Other users answered him with 3 different solutions:

  1. Delete hidden files: I tried searching for hidden files in the folders mentioned before but found nothing.
  2. Reformat the C: drive: This is the only solution I have not tried because Windows is installed in it.
  3. Using the uninst.exe file: I was not able to locate this file so I suppose it was not installed.

Furthermore, I tried repairing the program using the following file:

C:\Program Files\National Instruments\NI Package Manager\Updater\Install.exe

But throws the following error:


A solution I've seen but can't use is downloading LabVIEW directly from, it installs correctly but I also need NI-DAQmx driver and Vision Development Module add-on, obtainable from the NI Packet Manager, so it does not work for me.


I'm really grateful that you have read my post, and hope someone is able to help me.


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 16

Alberto, do you know what version of NI Package Manager that you downloaded and installed?

Scott Richardson
Message 2 of 16

Thanks for answering Scott, I downloaded various versions because I need the version 2022 Q3, but when I tried to install them, all of them appeared as version 2023 Q1 in the following step:


(In the image it says 20.6.0 because it is not mine, I am not able to reach that step as it shows me the error message when I use the executable file)


Thanks again for answering.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 16

Alberto, since you had installed the latest version of NIPM, you will need to go thru some manual steps using a utility that I will have to send you to fix this. I tried to send you a private message to your user name in this community, but the system says that it was disabled, which might be a configuration option for your account, not sure.


Can you please send me a message using the Send Message option when you hover over my forum user name let me know how I can contact you.

Scott Richardson
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 16

Thanks for helping me out Scott.

I tried to send you a private message but it does not let me do it:


I'll try again later but don't think it will change.

I've also searched for an option to let you send me a message, but I have not found it.

Do you need my email or something like that? As I can not send you a private message with it and don't want to post it publicly, I can post a doc on the internet with my mail and delete it after you see it, just let me know what you need. 

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 16

Can you check to see if the below checkbox is checked which might prevent me from sending you a message:



Scott Richardson
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 16
Accepted by AlbertoMF

Issue resolve with custom steps from support to uninstall NIPM manually, and then reinstall NIPM normally.

Scott Richardson
Message 7 of 16

Hey Scott


I have a similar problem. Could you also send me the fix you previously sent? 

Thank you.


0 Kudos
Message 8 of 16

We contacted Thorsten directly and we were able to resolve the issue with some internal tools.

Scott Richardson
Message 9 of 16

Dear Scott, 

I have the same problem, it is possible to rsolve this issue with your tools in my laptop ?


Thanks a lot.



0 Kudos
Message 10 of 16