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Problem to see an SR830 with labview, however Agilent Connection Expert sees it


I have an Agilent 82351A PCIe GPIB card, it is properlly installed together with the drivers, which gives the program Agilent Connection Expert.  This program observes the SR830 lock-in amplifier that I have.

I have downloaded the SR830 drivers for Labview 2011, which I have.  I make a little program in Labview 2011 with these drivers to see the SR830 lock-in and it does not sees it, while, as mentioned, the Agilent Connection Expert sees it.

Could someone help me and tell me what shall I do?

Thank you in advance.



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Message 1 of 3

It would have been much simpler to use an NI GPIB card instead of the Agilent. Why did you purchase this?


Have you followed the recomendations from Agilent or NI in using the Agilent card with MAX and LabVIEW? Did you install NI-VISA as primary and enable tulip support?

Message 2 of 3

Hi Denis!


It worked, thx a lot!



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Message 3 of 3