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Problem with Append Front Panel Image To

I'm using LV 7.0 with the MicroSoft Report Generation toolkit installed. Under the Report Generation palette there exists an Append Front Panel Image To Report vi. Also on the same palette there is an Easy Print VI Panel or which uses another Append Front Panel Image To Report vi located under the VI Documentation subpalette. Here is the problem; I have serval vi's that use Append Front Panel Image To from the Report Generation palette and I have a couple of vi's that use the Easy Print VI Panel or which is linked to the Append Front Panel Image To located under the VI Documentation subpalette. Clear as mud!

This creates a conflict of intrest. In a nut shell th
ere are two vi's with the same name in different locations doing different things. I have a program with subvi's that need to call each respective Append Front Panel Image To and that just is not working.

Is this a known issue with LV7.0 that has already been addressed and/or resloved?

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Message 1 of 6
Hello ATC Herman,

You are probably looking at two different VI�s that are very similar. One is �Append Front Panel Image to Report (refnum).vi� and the other is �Append Front Panel Image to Report (path).vi�. The first takes, as an input, the reference to a VI, while the second takes the path to a VI. The one that takes the path converts the path to a reference, then called the other one as a subvi. You should not have any problems using multiple instances or either or both of these VIs, as long as you use the correct input.

If none of these suggestions help, or if I�m not correctly understanding your issue, please post the software and versions you are using, the applicable portions of your code, and any other information that may help, and I�ll be ha
ppy to look further into it.

Have a nice day!

Robert M
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
Robert Mortensen
Software Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 6

Thanks for the reply. I still have a problem. See the attached view of the vi's I'm talking about. Just as a simple test, on the block diagram I cannot have these two vi's coexist. If I have one vi on the block diagram and go grab the other one it changes into the one that already exists on the block diagram. I'm using LV version 7.0. Also attached are two vi's that contain just the vi's in question. You will notice that when both of these vi's exist on the block diagram together the last one that was placed on the block diagram turns into the one that was in memory first. Sounds confusing. Give it a try. In fact put on the block diagram first.
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Message 3 of 6
ATC Herman,

Based on the picture you posted and what you are describing, it looks like you might have an incomplete install. What version of the toolkit do you have? Was it first installed on an earlier version of LabVIEW, or did you install it first on 7.0? Your VI Documentation Palette appears the same as if you hadn�t installed the toolkit. I�ve attached a screenshot of what it should look like. The VI in question is a polymorphic VI, which may be causing some of the confusion. If you right-click on it and select �Open Polymorphic VI�, it will show you what options you have, depending on the input. I opened both test and test1, and they appeared the same for me. I was able to have them both on the block diagram. The path to bo
th of them was C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 7.0\vi.lib\printing\ReportDocExtensions.llb\Append Front Panel Image to The .llb ReportDocExtensions has the polymorphic VI, as well as copies of each of the possible instantiations. Make sure you have these VI�s in the .llb in that directory.
There is a KB on having the toolkit on multiple versions of LabVIEW and what files you need. Make sure you have all the files listed.

Please let me know if you are able to get to the bottom of the issue with the above information.

Thanks, and have a happy day!

Robert M
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
Robert Mortensen
Software Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 4 of 6

Still no go. On my report generation palette the path to the vi in question is C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 7.0\vi.lib\utility\NiReport.llb\Append Front Panel Image to while the path to the vi under the VI Documentation palette is C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 7.0\vi.lib\printing\ReportDocExtensions.llb\Append Front Panel Image to

All vi's as far as I can see are in their respective locations and none are missing. The version for the report generation toolkit is 1.0.1. The knowlege base you sent me I have performed and still the same. This version of the toolkit was installed with LV version 7.0.

I have uninstalled the toolkit and reinstalled it and still it does
not work. I don't know if this could be a problem, but I also have LV version 7.1 installed with the toolkit version 1.1 installed.
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Message 5 of 6

The VI on the VI documentation palette should not be pointing to C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 7.0\vi.lib\printing\ReportDocExtensions.llb\Append Front Panel Image to I would try installing versions 1.1 of the toolkit. Make sure you follow the directions on that KB. I�m assuming your VI Documentation palette still looks the same? It should look like the screenshot in my last reply.
If that doesn�t work, you can also manually set where the palette points by going to Tools->Advanced->Edit Palette Views. Let me know how it goes.

Have a great day!

Robert M
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
Robert Mortensen
Software Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 6 of 6