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Problem with DAQmx Physical Channel control

Dear LabVIEW community!


I have installed LabVIEW, v13.0f02, 32-bit on my PC. The problem, which I face, is that DAQmx Physical Channel controls, which are used in VIs inside the LV projects, sometimes don't show me the list of DAQ devices - I can't expand the list at all. I push the button to expand the list, but nothing helps.

But when I create VIs outside the project, and put there DAQmx Physical Channel control - everything works well.

Note: devices are simulated via MAX.

Is it some kind of bug in 2013 vesrion of LabVIEW? Because while using LV 2012 I didn't have such headache.

The only thing that helps now - is to restart PC (laptop) several times; b/c restart of LV doesn't help.

Can anyone suggest, what it can be, and how to fix this problem?


Thank you very much in advance!

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Message 1 of 17



This most likely isn't a bug in LabVIEW 2013.  Would you be able to provide any screenshots or VIs for review?  What devices are you attempting to simulate in MAX?

Wayne T. | Application Engineer | National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 17

Thank you for your answer!


The point is, that this bug is independent from the code. DAQmx Physical Channel controls don't work even when I'm trying to use NI examples - for instance, Strain - Continuous; Voltage - Continuous, etc.


I have such simulated via MAX devices: NI USB-9213, NI USB-9201, NI cDAQ-9172 with NI 9217, and 4 NI PXIe-4331 modules.


Also, what I have noticed - front panel doesn't visualized fully (I send you the screenshot). When I'm moving mouse pointer over it, those part, which were under the mouse pointer, became clearly seen. And when I minimize, and then restor FP, it becomes fully clear visible.


And also, this story happens when LV project is open. If I close opened projects, and open only single VIs, everything works smooth.


Thank you very much, I hope, that this information will be useful to solve this problem.

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Message 3 of 17



Front panels like that must be rare.  I could postulate that things like system memory, other applications running at the time could be having some effect.  I notice you’re using the shipping example Current – Continuous, and looks like it is some project called XRD.  Does this project communicate to some other system or device?  Do you have similar results if you were to include another shipping example in the project like Voltage – Continuous 

Wayne T. | Application Engineer | National Instruments
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Message 4 of 17

Dear Kosist,


I can feel your pain! I am using LV2012 with DAQmy and I have the same problem. I am unable to use DAQmx controls, more precisely the Physical Channel Control.


I MAX, under Tools menu, there is an option "Reset Configuration Data". Sometimes it can solve this problem but sometimes not.


I have been raging for over 3 hours how to solve this bug, but I dont have any idea.. 


When I restart my laptop and start another project this control works well. I create Physical CH. control in a vi referred to a different project and copy it to my current project, LabVIEW crashes all the time...


NI DAQmx Device Driver Version 9.8

+++ In God we believe, in Trance we Trust +++
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Message 5 of 17

Hey guys,


first of all: did someone solve the problem yet?


I am facing the same problem as Kosist describes and at least I can provide some further information:

- it happens using LV 2013 and LV 2014

- it happens only when running the VI within a project

- it happens as soon as the vi is loaded into memory of the project:

    - when I open the project first and then the NI example, it is listed in the "Items in Memory" and does not work

    - when I open the NI example first and then the project, it is not listed as item in memory and works


now the interesting part:

This project was working fine before a few weeks (LV2013 and DAQmx from 2013DS2). Then I installed DAQmx drivers from 2014DS2 for another project. And now, the error occurs!


- Updating to DAQmx 15.0 does not solve the problem

- Resetting MAX does not solve the problem

- The VIs with the physical channel controls placed on the frontpanel are not drawn properly when the frontpanel is loaded/shown.



Furthermore, when I run my VI within the project and I try to create the virtual channel with a string as input (physical channel loaded from a configuration file), this error is reported:


Error -229771 occurred at DAQmx Create Channel (AO-Voltage-Basic).vi:1870004

Possible reason(s):

Internal Software Error occurred in MIG software. Please contact National Instruments Support.

Task Name: _unnamedTask<1>



I haven't solved the problem yet, but maybe these information are helpful...





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Message 6 of 17

Does your configuration file string similar to DAQmx Physical Channel items ?

Did you touch any "I/O Name filtering" option on DAQmx Physical Channel control ?

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 17

Yes, it is identical and it works fine when I run the VI outside the project.

I did not do any I/O Name filtering.


In my opinion, the error message when trying to create a channel and the malfunction of the dropdown of the physical channel control are directly related.

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Message 8 of 17

May you reproduce a simple example of your issue and post it out ?

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Message 9 of 17

See a very minimalistic example attached, which shows the problem.

I am pretty sure, that you cannot reproduce the error. A colleague was also not able to do so.


VIs in LV13

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Message 10 of 17