05-30-2012 05:35 AM
I'm a rookie using ActiveX controls and its references. I have made some VIs trying to understand it but when I thought it was clear.... occurs an error!
The subVI works fine (I think...), but when I insert it into the main VI, it stops working.
Can you help me?
Win XP/LV10
05-30-2012 08:29 AM
I could not replicate the issue. Are you trying to run this on another computer, or the same computer? If it's another computer does this other computer actually have the MSCOMCT2.OCX library?
The Microsoft Common Controls library is VERY old. Have you considered using a more updated control, like perhaps the .NET calendar control?
Better yet, have you considered simply using a timestamp control?
I noticed a couple of things with your VI.
05-30-2012 11:05 AM
Hi, smercurio_fc
Thank you for your response.
Right now I have finished modifying the VI using a timestamp control. Thank you. As we say in my language: "He estado matando moscas a cañonazos" (I have been killing flies with a sledgehammer).
However, I would have liked to solve this example because it was my first VI with ActiveX controls. I ran this vi in the same computer.
Thank you for your tips, too.I'll read de documents.