05-30-2012 06:30 AM
I have some graphs showing good and bad quality data (some simulated data is attached). I would like a way of selecting individual traces of poor quality data using a mouse cursor, then removing them from the input array - while the vi is running, ie. not using the plot tools afterwards.
05-30-2012 07:58 AM
My easy method was to use the a single plot cursor and get the trace from the property node cursor.plot, then delete from array.
The other method I gave up on was to read the O/S cursor position, zero the cursor on a cross near the graph, then shift and scale the o/s cursor positions to get a value similar to that provided by the property node cursor.plot. I gave up because my next step was to search the array to find a trace with the nearest value to a cursor y-axis value. .. ??
Easy method is ok, but it requires the user to pick up the cursor and move it to the unwanted trace.
Any suggestions on either?
05-30-2012 08:22 AM
When I have done this sort of thing in the past, I have always used the second method. I used a free cursor or just the mouse instead of a cursor bound to a graph. Some things that my help you get this done:
Good luck. Let us know if you have more questions.
05-30-2012 11:02 AM
This is my half-finished effort. It contains the easy method and I started working on the mouse cursor section, but it looked too messy.
If you would like to add to it, please do! It has taken me too long now to justify finishing the second method.