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Problem with combination of LabVIEW classes (dynamic dispatch), statechart module and FPGA module

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- I am developing a plug-in-based software with plug-ins based on LabVIEW classes which are instanced at run-time. The actual plug-in classes are derived from generic plug-in classes that define the interfaces to the instancing VI and may provide basic functionality. This means that many of the classes' methods are dynamic dispatch and methods of child classes may even call the parent method.

- Top-level plug-ins (those directly accessed by the main VI) each have a run method that drives a plug-in-specific statechart.

- The statechart of the data acquisition plug-in class (DAQ class) calls a method of the DAQ class that reads in data from a NI FPGA card and passes it on to another component via a queue.



- At higher sampling rates, an FPGA-to-host FIFO overflow occurs after some time. When I "burden" the system just by moving a Firefox browser window over the screen, the overflow is immediately triggered. I did not have this kind of problem in an older software, where I was also reading from an FPGA FIFO, but did not make use of LabVIEW classes or statecharts.



- I put the statechart into a timed loop (instead of a simple while loop) which I assigned specifically to an own core (I have a quad-core processor), while I left all the other loops of my application (there are many of them) in simple while loops. The FIFO overflow still does occur, however. 



- Does anybody have a hint how I could tackle this problem? What could be the cause: the dynamic dispatch methods, the DAQ statechart or just the fact that I have a large number of loops? However, I can hardly change the fact that I have dynamic dispatch methods because that's the very core of my architecture... 


Any hints are greatly appreciated!







Message Edited by dlanger on 06-25-2009 04:18 AM
Message Edited by dlanger on 06-25-2009 04:19 AM
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Accepted by topic author dlanger
I now changed the execution priority of all the VIs involved in reading from the FPGA FIFO to "time critical priority (highest)". This seems to improve the situation very much: so far I did not get a FIFO overflow anymore, even when I move around windows on the screen. I hope it stays like this...
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