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Problem with simple vi, when made executable

Hello !! Can anyone tell me why does this VI behaves differently on different machines? on the PC it was compiled it's ok, but if i make it executable, the graph doesn't plot from the table (on other PC's). Sorry, but my english is a little bit bad :)Thank you very much !!
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Message 1 of 5
Suggest you wire up the error clusters and add the simple error handler to your vi.  That way your executable can display any errors that occur on the other pc's.
Message 2 of 5
Just a thought: You're using the Excel ActiveX object to plot the contents of an Excel sheet. Are you sure the other computers have the same version of Excel installed? This can sometimes cause VIs to work on one computer but not another since the ActiveX interface is not necessarily the same from one version of Excel to another.
Message 3 of 5
Helo !! First of all, i want to thank you for your quick responses. YES, the excel is the same on all computers. But the problem was on the second graph, where the data should be taken from the table and ploted. Once i have converted the vi to executable, the plot opperation doesn't happen anymore. Soryy...i didn't explain the problem clearly the first time.

Thank you.
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Message 4 of 5


I still stand by my earlier post about error clusters.  This is a very good debuging tool.  Also your vi does not close the automation references.  You need to use the "Close" to close the references.   Suggest you look at ActiveX examples that ship with NI.   If I remember correctly, LabView will automatically clean these up on your development system when you stop running the vi.  When run as an executable on a target PC, it can hang Excel.

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Message 5 of 5