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Problem with simultanious Event calls



i wrote an XControl which configures a camera. This is done by setting various parameters. So that the user doesnt have to set all the parameters everytime (many of them have standard values) there is a "Use Defaults" button, which triggers the following event:Problem.PNG


So the single values (that already are set) get read and reset, while signaling a value change. This then calls the corresponding event: Problem2.PNG

Now, here we see a string that gets forwarded to a status output. This one has the following data change event in its facade file:Problem3.PNG

My problem is this: I press the "Use Defaults" button. The events get called, but the string of the information output doesnt get updated for every event! Only a select few of them are showing. If I only put two of them inside it works, but with this current number (5) it doesnt work. It seems to me, that the data change property cant handle all the changes .... any ideas ?



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Message 1 of 6

HI Limping ,

It would be more easier if you attach your VI.

Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!'
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Message 2 of 6

Which part exactly? All of them?

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Message 3 of 6

I attached the files of the XControl which doesnt update properly and the XControl controlling it. I hope this is sufficient.

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Message 4 of 6

@Limping_Twerp wrote:

My problem is this: I press the "Use Defaults" button. The events get called, but the string of the information output doesnt get updated for every event! Only a select few of them are showing. If I only put two of them inside it works, but with this current number (5) it doesnt work. It seems to me, that the data change property cant handle all the changes .... any ideas ?


Right-click on your "Info Output" Xcontrol and set it to "Advanced>>Synchronous Display".  Does this solve the problem?  If so, it is a result of the fact that though Xcontrols seem event-like, the actual data value from the terminal or local variables is actually accessed by the Xcontrol in some kind of polling fashion, so rapid updates can get overwritten.

Message 5 of 6

Hey drjdpowell,


I looked into it, and the problem you described is roughly what I was guessing and the solution you hinted seemed to fit exactly. I tried it, but unfortunately it didn't work - so I am going to double check my code again and come back if I do not find any errors.


UPDATE: I dont see it. The stuff I wrote seems to be OK.


Thank you



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Message 6 of 6