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Problemas de Instalación de Labview en Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Saludos a todos que contribuyen que esta comunidad ayude a expandir el uso de la herramienta.

Estoy tratando de instalar Labview en Ubintu 22.04 LTS. y se me presenta el problema a la hora de auténticas la cuenta de la comunidad, la aplicación da el siguiente error  


LabVIEW caught fatal signal
22.3.2f5 - Received SIGSEGV
Reason: invalid permissions for mapped object
Attempt to reference address: 0x7f6b45ea24c0
Segmentation fault (core dumped)



Revisando la documentación veo que la versión soportada es Ubuntu 20. ¿Quisiera saber si la instalación es factible de lo contrario tendré que reinstalar el SO en su versión 20?.


El ISO que hay en el sitio  es una versión 22  y por eso la confusión: ni-labview-2022-community-22.3.2-linux.iso







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@sagavriel wrote:

Greetings to all who contribute to this community to help expand the use of the tool.

I am trying to install Labview on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. and I have the problem when authenticating the community account, the application gives the following error

LabVIEW caught fatal signal
22.3.2f5 - Received SIGSEGV
Reason: invalid permissions for mapped object
Attempt to reference address: 0x7f6b45ea24c0
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Checking the documentation I see that the supported version is Ubuntu 20. I would like to know if the installation is feasible, otherwise I will have to reinstall the OS in its version 20?.

The ISO on the site is a version 22 and that is why the confusion: ni-labview-2022-community-22.3.2-linux.iso



Unsupported means that NI R&D has not validated it and it might not work properly.

I would recommend you to install a supported version. You can download the latest version from LabVIEW Community Download page

Control Lead | Intelline Inc
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