05-04-2010 12:11 PM
05-04-2010 12:38 PM
for the second problem m getting an error message that
The specified resource is reserved. The operation could not be completed as specified.
and it adds my task name....
can sumbody gimme a solution....
05-04-2010 04:13 PM
It was a little hard to follow your message because you left the vowels out of many of your words. (nt b becz gt ???)
But I'll take a shot at trying to answer.
Does the other machine have the LabVIEW runtime enginer? Does it have the DAQmx drivers installed?
If you are getting specific error messages, perhaps you can post a screenshot of them or any error codes you may be getting.
05-04-2010 09:22 PM
05-06-2010 08:47 AM
05-06-2010 08:52 AM
What does MAX show as the names of the devices on each machine.
If you used a particular device/channel name in your code such as Dev1/AI4 which worked on one machine, but the new machine has the device listed as Dev2/AI4, then you are going to have a problem.
Make sure your DAQ devices are named the same way in MAX.
05-06-2010 09:00 AM
05-06-2010 09:27 AM
What are the device names in each PC?
Whatever is the "default device number" in each PC could be different depending on how many other devices are installed on each PC before.
05-06-2010 09:32 AM
the device name in main pc is Dev1
yae, the device name can vary if no.of devices used are more...but then i suppose that the remote PC should have a MAX to configure the device name and when there is no MAX installed i guess during installation...the favourite device is named Dev1...as it is exported from the main pc installer...
In my case there's only 1 device in either PC..
05-06-2010 10:08 AM
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "remote" PC. Is it its own function PC that you can access like a normal PC if you were standing there with it?
I thought you had MAX installed on that one since you said you installed the DAQmx drivers on it.
Definitely install MAX on it so you can see what is going on. Also, so that you can use the MAX test panels to make sure the device is working properly.