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Problems with Labivew 2013 / 14 install - Ni Variable Engine error and Labview does not close, processes do not stop when I run Vis.

Hi All,


I am hoping at all my problems are relateded to a problem I am experancing, when I look into my windows 7 (64bit) event viewer near every time I boot up I get an error regarding the NI Variable Engine which reads.



The description for Event ID 0 from source NI Variable Engine cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.

If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.

The following information was included with the event:

C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Shared\Tagger\ni_tagger_plugin_mxs.dll: Failure to load plugin: Unexpected Error: Unable to get the Interface from the plug-in.



and a second which is the same apart fomr the last line



Unable to load the MXS configuration plugIn: Failed to get MAX Configuration interface for Tagger: 0x80040318



I have tried uninstalling all labview things and I have tried repairing all labivew programs. Along with this I got this error when I installed Labview 2013 so I thougth why not try 2014 and I still get the same problems. I also shoudl point out I use bot 32 bit and 64 bit versions of labivew. I have installed labview on many machines before but never encountered this problem. That being said this was a new clean windows install.


Along with thiese errors labview heardly ever shuts down properly when I close the program it just freezes and needs forshed shut down.


Apart form this I noticed that when I run any of my Vis which I have never had problems with in the past and I stop the program somtiems processes keep using CPU such as "lktsrv.exe"


I really need to get this sorted out because its morstly the crushing and processes not stopping which is rather annoying.


I shoudl also say that these problems are both in the 32bit and 64 bit versions of labview not difference. and no difference if its 2013 or 2014





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Message 1 of 3

Hi NanoParticles,


Could you elaborate on what you are seeing exactly in terms of the error? It would be helpful if you could attach a screenshot so that I will help me understand exactly what the issue is.


Kind regards,


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Message 2 of 3

Hi GajanS,


Thanks for your reply sorry I havetn noticed anybody had replied as I stopped hoping for any responce before then.


I have attached a screenshot of the four processes that seems to be giving me a problem.

I have actually managed to find the program causing labivew to crash was in fact my antivirus software which I have now removed and have no more problems with labview crashing on shutdown.

After removing it I tried the repair feature again for all my labview programs but sadly the one persistant problem remaining is still the four processes using around 13% processor each. I have found out this happens sometime after booting up regardless of if I run labivew or not. So it does not directly seem related to the running of any labview applications but rather a bug in the labview software.

 the processes are:





as shown in the task manager.


I would relaly help if I can get this sorted out.




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Message 3 of 3