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Program to display data from file array (time, pressure) as pressure waveform

I need to create a program that reads data from a text or excel file (time, pressure) and displays the pressure waveform (like an EKG trace or continuous arterial blood pressure display in an ICU).  The data file contains a finite number of cycles of a repeating waveform, but the waveform display should continuously display the repeating waveform.
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Message 1 of 3
Sound fairly simple. What have you tried so far? Have you taken a look at the examples that ship with LabVIEW? There are several examples that show you how to use charts and graphs. As for reading the data, having a text file is the easiest, as that will allow you to use the Read From Spreadsheet File VI. For Excel you need to use ActiveX. You can find lots of examples on that via a search on this forum, as well as on the Excel thread.
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Message 2 of 3
I found a LabVIEW pdf manual that helped, and I think I figured it out.  I used the read from spreadsheet file and then an index array to take a single data point from the array at each iteration in a for loop and send it to a waveform chart.  The for loop is nested within a while loop to get a continuous stream of data from a finite data file.  I was just having some problems with the different data types and putting the waveform chart outside of the for loop instead of inside.  Thanks.
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Message 3 of 3