08-04-2010 03:08 AM
Hello everybody!
As you can see from my snippet I got a program that 1. opens a template Excel workbook. 2. Fills it with data. 3. Copy the template over to the final Excel workbook and closes the template. I use the open Excel lib since I don't have the Report Generation kit. It's not timesaving this operation, but I try to learn more about ActiveX and Excel.
Well over to my question. Since this takes some seconds to complete I would like to have a progress bar. The "delays" that slow this down is when it opens the workbooks and when it copies. I got the whole thing inside a case structure so I can use a boolean button to start the sequence. I have the OpenG library with the tickcounter that have error in and out. I placed one at start and one at the end of the operation. After a substraction I could read how long the operation took to finish, but still I don't have a clue to get useable data to feed my progress bar.
No pain, no gain! so I really like to try before asking for help, but I 'm a bit stuck now. If you have any tips on where I could place stuff to do be able to calculate the progress bar, it would help alot 🙂
Solved! Go to Solution.
08-04-2010 03:25 AM
Don't know if this will help much but I had a similiar project where reading from Excel was taking quite a while. I didn't know how long the process would take so i implemented a bouncing style progress bar. See this thread for alot of useful information. In my VI, I had a simple marquee progress bar constanly running in a parallel while loop and simply toggled the visibility when i needed it..
08-04-2010 03:33 AM
That sounds like something I could use 🙂 But your link is not working (maybe some problems with Opera).
08-04-2010 03:39 AM - edited 08-04-2010 03:40 AM
Hey, ya my bad..
*There was two http:// in the first link.. guess i was goin a bit fast..
- Rkll
08-04-2010 03:54 AM
Perfect! Thank you very much:) Problem solved