06-25-2024 07:20 AM
Setting the values of different parameters in a PXIe-4141 (SMU) can be done with individual VIs (as in the first attachment, close to the example VI to set voltage) or with a Property node (as in the second attachment). Question is: is there any difference? why should I choose one method or the other?
Thanks in advance.
06-25-2024 07:49 AM
06-25-2024 08:03 AM
MIne is 2020 please save for 2020.
06-25-2024 08:22 AM
Here I re-attaching the files in 2020 format.
06-25-2024 09:42 AM
I don't have niDCPower driver installed, so I cannot see what's inside the subVIs, but I guess they are just wrappers for the aforementioned property nodes.
The driver VIs are only here to simplify your work, so using them can be better for most cases because they are abstracting some complexities that you may not need to bother with.
The property nodes can still be used in case you need to perform more specific configurations.
Also, nothing prevents you from using both in your code.
06-25-2024 09:49 AM
jano2358@gmail.com wrote:
Setting the values of different parameters in a PXIe-4141 (SMU) can be done with individual VIs (as in the first attachment, close to the example VI to set voltage) or with a Property node (as in the second attachment). Question is: is there any difference? why should I choose one method or the other?
Thanks in advance.
I use them interchangeably for clean code and ease of reading; there could be very slight differences in performance, but nothing that would influence a decision.
06-25-2024 10:00 AM
What others have said is accurate - the "Configure" VIs are essentially wrappers around the same calls the Property Nodes make. There are some subtleties (e.g. they call into different library entry points) but the effects should be identical.
For some other drivers some "Configure" VIs populate multiple properties/attributes with a single call. That can cause confusion and dependency ordering as a Configure call may unexpectedly overwrite a setting of a property node. NI-DMM Configure Multi Point is an example of this.